Helping Higher Ed Strategically Exit
Online Program Management (OPM) Engagements

Ready to transition out of your current OPM engagement? We’re unbundling experts. Gain greater control and ownership in your school’s online learning initiatives while growing your enrollments by leveraging the power of EducationDynamics’ higher education enrollment growth experts. Our full-funnel approach to enrollment growth better supports your enrollment goals and allows you to focus on what matters most: your students.   

Online program enrollment growth is what we do. We’ll provide the marketing, enrollment management and other student-centered services that are essential components of your enrollment growth strategy. At EducationDynamics, we offer comprehensive unbundled services that allow universities to pick and choose those solutions that best align with their goals, budget and needs. Our comprehensive suite of services can be tailored to meet the exact expectations for your school’s online learning initiatives.  

Explore Your Online Program Management Alternatives

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter approaches to marketing and enrollment management. After all, we know that your needs are unique as the students you serve and the university community you represent. Our strategic unbundling experts will work with you hand-in-hand to identify the right services and solutions to support and compliment your internal capabilities and opportunities. Ready to replace black boxes and opaque walls? We believe radical transparency and honest communication are essential hallmarks of any productive partnership.  

We’ll Be Your Guide to Exiting Your OPM Agreement

Having worked in online and non-traditional higher education for over 35 years, we know a few things about the challenges and opportunities you are facing. Over that time, we’ve helped several schools take back ownership and control of their online programs while accelerating enrollment growth.

Our Strategic Approach to Unbundling your Online Program Management (OPM)

Our strategic approach to unbundling your online program management starts with an in-depth analysis of your current performance on key indicators we know move the needle.

  1. First, we’ll benchmark your programs, marketing performance, and enrollment management processes to identify your immediate needs and opportunities.
  2. Next, we’ll provide a roadmap that lays out a strategic plan for building your brand with the right audience and engaging those prospective students that are the right fit for your school and programs.
  3. Finally, we’ll work together to build an ecosystem of internal and external capabilities that provides a next-level student-centered experience that generates more graduates in your programs.  

Lessons Learned in Helping Schools Transition from OPM Models

We’ve lived the experience of transitioning away from your OPM service provider. Here is what we learned along the way.  

  1. Identify the education-focused services you do best, and where outside experts provide the greatest value to you.  
  2. The first step is often the hardest. Don’t wait to form your strategic exit strategy. Begin to plan your transition now so that you create a seamless experience for your current and prospective students.   
  3. Data is critical. Ensure you have access to all your important data, including advertising campaigns and performance, website analytics, and prospective student engagement performance data.  
  4. Communication is key. Begin working with your internal stakeholders and building relationships with external OPM Transition Experts, like EducationDynamics. They will help you better understand the opportunities ahead and the possible landmines you’ll need to avoid along the way.  

The Value of Separating From Your Online Program Management Engagement with Strategic Unbundled Services

We understand the initial appeal of OPM engagements – they provided schools with a relatively easy, low-risk, low-investment path toward online program growth. However, OPM engagements also come with many drawbacks, including long-term contracts, a lack of institutional insights into key strategic enrollment strategies, higher revenue-sharing fees, and fewer choices into the services provided. It is no wonder that so many colleges and universities are looking to exit their OPM relationships and gain more control over the future direction of their online programs.  

Unbundling your enrollment management services with a comprehensive full-funnel student growth partner like EducationDynamics let’s you maintain and accelerate your enrollment growth while maintaining greater control and oversight into your student experience and education. We’ll help you build in-house capabilities, where appropriate, and provide industry-leading marketing and enrollment management support from our full suite of higher education services and solutions. From market research to student retention, consideration to graduation, EDDY is here to help you transition from your revenue-share OPM relationship.  

What You Should Do Now if You Are Considering Transitioning From Your OPM? 

There are many considerations and risks associated with exiting your OPM relationship. At EducationDynamics, we are here to help you navigate the process of transitioning away from OPM partnership with a collaborative process that is focused on helping you serve more students and creating more graduates. Start your OPM transition process today by contacting our team of OPM unbundling experts.