Blog: featured

What 2023 Has In Store: Trends in Higher Education Marketing

BY: Katie Tomlinson January 9, 2023

Change is inevitable, and the events of the past few years have pushed higher ed programs to change faster than ever before. Based on data we’ve collected over the last few years, here are our educated predictions for the trends in higher education for 2023. Read More

Improve Accessibility in Higher Ed

BY: Emma Rose January 6, 2023

Web accessibility is just one small part of inclusion and accessibility in higher ed. Ablr CRO Mike Iannelli offers his best advice for lasting change. Read More

Using Student Testimonials To Support Higher Ed Marketing

BY: Emma Rose December 13, 2022

Get the best from student testimonials by making smart choices about who the testimonial comes from and how it's used. Brand alignment matters! Read More

Product Updates LinkedIn Messaging for Higher Education Marketers

BY: Caryn Tate December 5, 2022

Learn about upcoming changes in the LinkedIn messaging platform. Here's a preview of what is to come and how higher education marketers can make the most of it. Read More

InsightsEDU 2023 Speakers & Sessions Announced

BY: Jesse Homan November 18, 2022

Come hear from the speakers at InsightsEDU 2023 in Denver, Colorado. Attend great sessions and engaging topics to navigate the landscape of higher ed. Read More

Netflix’s Basic Ad Tier Launch

BY: Lora Polich November 11, 2022

Netflix introduced its Basic With Ads tier. If you're considering it as a new marketing platform for your college, here’s what you need to know. Read More

How Degree Completion Programs Support Equity For All

BY: Travis Coufal November 10, 2022

People with some college, no credential experience an outsized impact in unfavorable economic weather, but degree completion programs can help. Read More

Informational Calls To Wow Prospective Students

BY: Travis Coufal November 4, 2022

Informational calls with prospective students are about more than collecting program information. Here’s how enrollment advisors can make calls valuable. Read More

Convince Returning Adult Students to Enroll Again

BY: Travis Coufal October 18, 2022

Here’s how colleges and universities can enroll more returning adult students by crafting marketing messages that speak to what these students want and need. Read More

Survey of the Higher Ed Landscape 2022

BY: Steven Fischer October 17, 2022

The 2022 Survey of the Higher Education Landscape report provides an in-depth analysis of the economic and demographic headwinds that are pushing institutions to rethink their approach to attracting prospective students. Read More

Get Potential Students to Answer the Phone

BY: Travis Coufal October 11, 2022

Students will only answer the phone if they know what they’re going to get. Here’s how to engage prospective students so they’ll pick up when programs call. Read More

Phone-based Contact Getting Sent To Voicemail?

BY: Travis Coufal October 4, 2022

Phone calls are an effective way to contact potential students, but actually reaching students may be getting harder. Here’s why. Read More

The Some College, No Degree Market Is Growing

BY: Emma Rose September 27, 2022

The number of people with some college, no degree is growing. Here’s what colleges and universities need to know to support returning adult students. Read More

Using Secondary Data to Evaluate Program Viability

BY: Steven Fischer September 22, 2022

Higher education institutions use secondary data for insights into program viability and gauging future success. Read More

What Are Micro-Credentials Really Worth?

BY: Emma Rose September 20, 2022

The value of micro-credentials may not be obvious to employers. Higher ed marketers can connect the dots to show their worth. Read More